Supporting insetting, carbon project development and the blue economy
We work with a number of organisations that have carbon removal occurring inside their supply chain to recognise that in their company or product carbon footprint.
Carbon Project Development
We are working collaboratively with different groups to develop new carbon credit projects around the Pacific.
The Blue Economy
With specialised skills in seaweed aquaculture, and blue carbon and experience working with various marine-based NGOs we are excited about supporting the regeneration of our ocean.

Why choose us?
Ready to start? So are we
The Climate Action Company is an industry thought leader on carbon removal, insetting, biodiversity enhancement, and the blue economy.
Having pioneered a number of industry-leading initiatives such as the first publicly available biodiveristy credit in New Zealand, the first native carbon credits with individual credit identification, and full traceability and supporting the world's first net carbon zero shoes with Allbirds.
Similarly, founder Finn Ross also has experience leading New Zealand's first Blue Carbon assessment, Lifecycle assessment planning and seaweed aquaculture.
We are at the forefront of cutting edge science and innovation designed to slash emissions, remove carbon and restore our wild places.
Get in touch if you have a bespoke project you are interested in discussing with us.