Waikereru Ecosanctuary
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Waikereru Ecosanctuary is a haven for rare and endangered species of native birds, plants and animals. It is reached by a winding gravel road up an inland valley, just 9 kilometres from Gisborne city on the Tai Rawhiti / East Coast of New Zealand. From high hill ridges to the west, three streams tumble down steep valleys and across a plain, entering the Waimatā River to the east.
A rare surviving strip of lowland bush (Longbush Reserve) runs beside the Waimatā River. The bush is alive with the sound of birds, including Tui, Bellbirds, Fantails, Kingfishers, Whiteheads and many Kereru or native Pigeons. The Waikereru legacy was built by Dame Anne and Jeremy Salmond, with public access to the Longbush Reserve. Funds from carbon credits are enabling the Waikereru to continue their conservation efforts.

Lake Hāwea Station
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Lake Hāwea Station is New Zealand’s first certified carbon-zero farm.
They have planted over 20,000 native trees and invested significantly in biodiversity projects and native forest restoration. Lake Hāwea Station is home to 11 endemic and 10 native bird species and uses cacophony artificial intelligence bird recorders to assess bird populations.
The forest type is a varied native forest with a strong seed bank of Kōwhai and Mountain Beech. Lake Hāwea Station is also home to the last wild population of Western Grand Skinks, there are only around 36 left. As such, significant efforts are underway to protect these endangered species.
“Lake Hāwea Station is proud to be working with companies around the country on their climate change mitigation projects which has enabled us to bolster our native reforestation projects.”

Josef Langer Charitable Trust
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The Panama Reserve, owned by the Josef Langer Charitable Trust (JLT) was identified by Hugh Wilson in his 1980s report on Protected Natural Areas of Banks Peninsula as an area ‘worthy of protection’. When the chance to purchase the property came up in 2009, Hugh fully supported the JLT proposal. Restoration follows the basic principles of minimum interference in the outstanding Hinewai Reserve.
A handful of ancient Tōtara remain up under the bluffs and are providing a valuable seed source. Since the reserving of the 200ha block in stages from 2009 to 2014 and farming ceased, regeneration of all the common Banks Peninsula species like Tōtara, Kanuka, Five Finger, Fushia, Lancewood, Broadleaf, Mahoe, Lacebark, Cabbage Tree, Coprosma’s, Kōwhai and Ferns has been spectacular. The Reserve is open to the public with extensive walking tracks allowing visitors to view firsthand what is going on. Josef Langer Charitable Trust is also currently proposed as a ‘Geosite’ under the wider Geopark concept for the Banks Peninsula, a sign of national recognition.

Carbon removal projects

Bernie and Joanne Mason, native forest restoration in Marlborough
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The block has been retired from farming, enabling the forest species to thrive and make the canopy cover complete. Some plantings of the rarer trees will be undertaken under the canopy of the Kanuka where suitable. The money from carbon sales will help enable more conservation work, and help protect the total area of 500 Ha. Bernie and Joanne are also part of a local water catchment group that is doing a lot of work in the general area to enhance and protect water quality.
The main forest species is Kanuka with some mature Red and Black Beech and Matai which have been regenerating for some years and eventually will take over the Kanuka.
It has some rare endangered plants, many of them endemic to Marlborough, such as the native pink broom. Some of the native birds are Bellbird, Fantail, Tomtit, South Island Robin, Grey Warbler, Rifleman, Brown Creeper, Silvereye, Cuckoo, Morepork, Yellow Crown, Parakeet, Kingfisher, Kereru and Grey Duck.

Brent Paterson, Hawkes Bay Native Restoration
Units available:
Brent Paterson runs a sheep and beef farm in the Hawkes Bay region. Brents farm was severely impacted by flooding in early 2023, the resilience of native forests was a key stand out. Brent is hoping to expand native forest on his farm by fencing of areas and planting riparian zones. Brent has been expanding restoration efforts on farm post cyclone damage.
Brent also runs 'my farm enviro', a fantastic digital tool for farm environment plans. So has all the latest technology and information on the restoration work he has done on his home farm. One of the brands Brent has supplied credits to is Two Islands.
“With the support of Two Islands we are able to accelerate our protection and regeneration of this block which is important to our properties bio-diversity and the health of the water body it is associated with. This will have beneficial outcomes to not only us but those further down the stream.”

Grant Mathieson, Native Restoration Hunua Ranges
Units available:
Grant runs a beef and forestry farm on the edge of the Hunua ranges in South Auckland.
The Hunua ranges is a fantastic large natural seed bank. In fact here the native regrowth is so fast that it can outcompete pine plantings!
Grant has successfully fenced of several areas on the farm with impressive native regrowth.
For this reason Grant has identified several more riparian areas on the property that he would like to fence of to support native regrowth. Grant also has a problem with Cockatoos, which are killing some of the Totara trees.
Species here are Kauri, Nikau, Totara, Matai and many more!

Glen Dene Station
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Glen Dene is a high country Station on the shores of Lake Hawea. The station has significant potential for native forest restoration to go alongside their farming and hunting operations.
The forest type is mainly mountain beech and manuka which with stock exclusion and fencing are regenerating at scale.
Glen Dene was the winner of the 2023 deer industry environmental awards https://www.farmersweekly.co.nz/people/glen-dene-crowned-with-dinz-environmental-award/?fbclid=IwAR2S4WU21BczTc_NsnaL497UwIPC4u5X2AjaE57JVWTbFkoYE95zguOVK60
“Native CarbonCrop Units have led to a tangible financial outcome, now all re-invested in restoration showing us that the station can generate new, conservation-related income streams alongside traditional farming.”

Ben and Yvonne Lee, South Canterbury Native Forest Restoration
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Ashfield trust is a Southern Canterbury Farm located inland from Timaru. Ben and Yvonne Lee who manage the land also run Blue Stone Herefords.
The property has significant remnant native bush and a number of SNA’s and QE2 covenants – and in particular an over 700-year-old Matai tree (pre mammals / humans in NZ!) that is unique for the area.
They now have a number of nesting pairs of the karearea and increased native birds. Some of the areas fenced now have healthy population of at least three varieties of skinks. There is ongoing fencing of land which is further enabled and incentivised by carbon credits and have placed some under the protection of QE2 covenants.
The continuing conservation efforts on the land/farm includes:
Fence specific area to protect native bush and waterways.
Regeneration of significant areas of land – some areas are now just popping out of the gorse phase that has provided a great nursery for new natives. Gorse has been used for regeneration extensively as a tool in transitioning to native bush.
Extensive pest control – 900 wallabies killed in the last 2 years, 30 deer per annum and an ongoing programme to reduce rats and possums on the property. There is a community of hunters assisting on this, fathers introducing kids to hunting, kids shooting first deer etc.
Visits from the local primary school to understand land, nature, community.
Increased planting of natives and regeneration, the areas of existing natives have given us a significant seed bank and allowed us to increase biodiversity.
Control of “weeds” of core farming land to reduce pressure on extensively grazed land.
Monitoring of waterways to ensure our farming practices aren’t polluting waterways.
Increasing reticulated stock water to reduce use of creeks for stock water.
Research funded by SFF-F to breed cattle that produce less nitrogen and nitrous oxide – project now in fifth year.
Research with Lincoln University to find gene markers for cattle that wander more and therefore don’t hang around waterways etc. ( less impact on waterways, spread their faecal matter and urine around).
Farming practice changing mainly grass only, low till approach.

Rikki and Mark Taylor, Native forest restoration in Marlborough
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Rikki and Mark are aiming to increase bird life and native regrowth through pest control measures, including bait stations and trapping to reduce possums.
They are also working towards bringing down the numbers of wild goats and deer which can cause damage to native regrowth. Funds will be reinvested in conservation and restoration measures, including pest control, weed control and fencing maintenance.
Species present are Rimu, Tawa, Beach, Rata, Miro, big stands of Kanuka, Manuka, Kowhai and some Totara. Native birds species present include Kereru, Kiwi, Blue Duck, Fantail, and Tui.

Kit and Marg Times, Hawkes Bay
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Kit and Marg are currently electric fencing all regenerating bush areas including the ones not included in ETS in an effort to exclude goats and deer. Their long term plan is to plant entire northern hill in natives using exotics as temporary cover crop.

Tineke and Stew McNeil, Wairarapa
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In the heart of Southern Wairarapa, Tineke and Stew are proud stewards of the Tora Coastal Walk. The land is home to a variety of stunning and diverse landscapes: expansive farmland, native bush, river valleys and the rugged Tora coastline. Tineke and Stew are putting the proceeds of their removals towards preserving and enhancing their landscape and protecting native flora and fauna.
Luke Ruddenklau,
Banks Peninsula
Along with partner Phoebe Reith, Luke Ruddenklau farms a 600-ha property in Okains Bay Banks Peninsula. Extensively running sheep and beef on a moderate to steep hill country property, out of the 588-ha, 70 ha are fenced off completely and have been entered into the Banks Peninsula conservation trust.
Luke and Phoebe's vision is to run a successful farming business, that is sustainable to both the stock and land, and they would love to contribute more to the less productive areas on the farm and see them regenerate to native fauna/flora
Tūpari Reserve,
Banks Peninsula
Tūpari Reserve is a 410-hectare private reserve located in the Kaituna Valley. Managed by the Mikimiki Conservation Trust, the reserve possesses a plethora of native biodiversity, including ancient mixed podocarp forests and subalpine tussock.
The Trust’s conservation work focuses on natural regeneration by controlling invasive species such as gorse, broom, and old man’s beard, and removing pests like possums, stoats, and feral cats. The goal is to restore the land to its original native forest state, helping to sequester carbon and protect biodiversity over the long term.
Jessamine Corpe, Rangitikei
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Jessamine, through her organisation Māia Manawanui Whenua (MMW), has collaborated with Climate Action Company to enhance conservation efforts and promote sustainable land use. The proceeds from selling carbon removals have been put towards reforestation, habitat restoration, and biodiversity protection on lands managed by MMW in the Rangitikei. Jessamine's vision exemplifies how sustainable land management can create a model of conservation that is both economically viable and environmentally beneficial.

Redwood Carbon, Northland
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The property is 163 hectares of rolling hills in Broadwood, Northland. It's a beautiful block with approximately half of the total land area covered in mature native forest, with a variety of apex species present including kahikatea, totora, rimu, kauri, puriri and rewarewa.
Until very recently the block was run as a beef farm, and past farmers allowed their animals to run freely through the native bush neighbouring the paddocks, causing a great deal of damage and almost completely destroying the undergrowth in some areas. Since taking over, we have removed all livestock and done our best to prevent wild stock from coming into the property. We have made improvements to the boundary fence, have engaged the Northland council and received support with enforcement, are paying a local professional to monitor the situation and shoot browsing pests, and are suppressing the spread of weeds.
It's unfortunate that in Aotearoa New Zealand conservation depends more than anything else on controlling the countless weeds, pests and predators that are so destructive to our native flora and fauna. The good news is that we are making progress. Our native bush is slowly advancing, with the kanuka and kahikatea leading the way, thanks to the abundance of nearby seed sources. We hope the understory in the existing native forest will start to recover soon.
The funding we have received from the Climate Action Company and CarbonCrop is going a long way in supporting our ongoing conservation efforts. It all costs money, and funding native forest restoration via standard mechanisms such as the NZ ETS is presently difficult. The Climate Action Company has found a way to attach value to something accountants and landowners consider worthless. For that, we are very grateful.

Mamaku Point Conservation Reserve, Stewart Island
Units available:
Mamaku Point Conservation Reserve is located on the northeastern coastline of Rakiura Stewart Island, Aotearoa New Zealand. The rugged 172-hectare headland contains an extraordinary variety of flora, including some of the oldest native podocarp forest in the country and is a thriving habitat to over 181 native species, including 26 native bird species, 154 native plant species, long-tailed bats, invertebrates, marine mammals, and a thriving population of kiwi.
The reserve is protected by a predator-proof fence that extends across the 2.1km neck of the headland, and an extensive biosecurity grid both inside and outside the predator-proof fence. Both the fence and the biosecurity grid are monitored in real-time using a combination of VHF, cellular and satellite communications to ensure that any biosecurity breaches are detected immediately.


Otapawa Station is a 3,500-hectare Sheep and Beef farm situated on the foothills of the Puketoi Range, in the Tararua Region. Otapawa primarily produces premium beef and lamb using non-intensive and sustainable methods, as well as industry-leading beef genetics and honey, both of which have been exported all over the globe. Otapawa is committed to caring for our natural environment and believes the rugged, yet pristine terrain, of which we are caretakers, is what sets our produce apart from others.
In the last 3 years, we have planted well over 150,000 native trees around the station including Tōtara, Kahikatea, Kōwhai, Rewarewa, Kōhūhū, Lemonwood, Ribbonwood, Kānuka, Mānuka, Cabbage Trees, Flax and more. In conjunction with our planting efforts, we have also fenced more than 7.5km of riparian-planted riverbank, with goals to do a further 9 kilometres in the near future. We are also aiming to put in 7.5 kilometres of fencing to retire two blocks of beautiful native forest, totalling 23 and 19 hectares respectively. We are extremely proud of the guardianship we have over Otapawa and aim to continue producing premium products, rooted in a sustainable approach to working with the land.
Units available:
Otapawa Station