Our best estimates say there is less than 3,000-7,000 Kea left.
Kea is taonga for mana whenua and is greatly impacted by introduced mammalian predators, with Stoats and feral Cats being the major threats.
National data to date has confirmed that Kea struggle to successfully fledge chicks in areas with no or minimal pest control.
Kea are extremely intelligent and are the world's only alpine parrot.
This project will include the installation and maintenance of traps in the alpine environment, primarily targeting stoats and rats.
predators eliminated over the past year
volunteer hours last year, on top of Southern Lakes Sanctuary staff time
11+ years
working to protect Kea in the Matukituki to date
The project
What the credit enables
Expanding the project
The project will fund the installation of kea-proof DOC 200 traps for mustelids to catch predators on public conservation land in the alpine areas of the East and West Matukituki (Cascade Saddle area) valleys.
Trap spacing is as close to 1 trap per 100 metres as possible along transects, given difficult alpine terrain.
This credit will also help protect other alpine species, such as Rock Wren and lower alpine birds (Whio and Mohua) by providing a reinvasion buffer in the alpine.
The expansion will occur from 1 Jan-31 Dec 2024.
Project delivery
Field crew wages
Bait, lure and traps
Monitoring equipment